Based on "A Dialogue between the Soul and Body" by Andrew MarvellSOUL: Oh, who can from this bear releaseA flowered soul who knows no peace?This meaty hand, this bulging arm,This weedy face which knows no charm,This hairy foot, this eye that leers,This mottled nose, protruding ears:A prison grown large to restrainThis sweet and simple, gentle brainWhich longs with every coarse. "It was just after we got married, at the end of the sixties. Webarely cooked anything, just put on a buffet spread, opened a bottle ofwine... " We did the same thing at our housewarming," I say, attempting a proudgrin. "But we need to show, you know? We need to kinda, like..." We want to show our parents that we ARE grown-ups now," Sarah finishesmy sentence."Just moving out was enough proof when we were your age," Grandpa Billsays. "And I mean, you've got a good, well-paid job, you're.Read More